Favorite Travel Destinations

Act On Your Dream! > Your Dream > Favorite Travel Destinations

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Do you love to travel? What are your favorite travel destinations?

What do you like to do most? Visit museums? Go to the beach? Climb a mountain? Rest and relax? Have exciting adventures?

There are so many travel destinations and so much to do that it could take hundreds of books, magazines, and websites to tell you about them. And, of course, all of those resources are readily available.

You'll find links to travel resources that will give you new ideas and provide feedback and information from people who have already visited your preferred travel destinations.

If you want to travel, now is the time to start planning for it.

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Where do you like to go? What do you do when you get there? What do you like best about it? How often do you go there?

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I love Murphy, NC 
I've always been a loner (some might call me a hermit). When I travel, I like to get away from the crowds and the noise and enjoy nature. That's …

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Travel guides

There are many websites that offer specialized information about a variety of travel destinations, and I'll be linking to some of them, for your convenience.

Costa Rica Travel Guides
Travel to Costa Rica, in Central America, and enjoy the attractions Costa Rica offers...

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