Wayne Dyer

Act On Your Dream! > Famous Authors > Wayne Dyer

Wayne W. Dyer, Ph. D., is a recognized leader in the field of self-development. He is a popular lecturer, psychotherapist, and a best-selling author.

I first became aware of him in the late 1970s when I read his first book, Your Erroneous Zones. In the last 20 years, I've read several of his books and watched his lectures, including Pulling Your Own Strings, The Power of Intention, and others.

i found Your Erroneous Zones to be an important book, and it helped me move along my journey of self-discovery and self-improvement.

His other books and videos have helped me in that journey.

As I have time to re-read his books and watch his videos, I'll write about them.

Wayne Dyer - The Shift

Summary: The Shift is a two-hour movie, and not a lecture in front of a crowd. I liked it and I recommend it to you. After you watch it, it would be a great gift for friends and family who are still looking for the life they really want.

It won't solve anyone's problems, but it does offer some gentle suggestions for changing and growing. Perhaps it will help you, if you are in the process of changing your goals and what you want from life.

Read more of my thoughts about Wayne Dyer - The Shift.

More books and videos
created by Wayne Dyer

You can purchase books and videos created by Wayne Dyer at MindPerk and at Nightingale-Conant.

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